Email List Servers


The SWKLS electronic listserv lists are a service of the Southwest Kansas Library System for the discussion of issues relating to libraries and news of general interest to SWKLS member library staff and trustees. These e-mail discussion lists are private, un-moderated, closed list. You may request a subscription by sending an e-mail to Christopher Dressler, or Steve Andrews, Be sure to include name, position and library affiliation. The listserv lists will be the preferred method for distributing time-sensitive information to the Southwest Kansas Library System members.

Current Lists

There are currently five (5) listserv lists operated by the Southwest Kansas Library System. These are:

  • which is used to communicate with public, school, academic, and special libraries.
  • which is used to communicate with public libraries.
  • which is used to communicate cataloging issues.
  • which is used to communicate with director specific topics.
  • which is used to communicate ILL issues or questions.

How to Post

Simply compose an email to one of the above three addresses and send. Your email will then be distributed to all subscribed users of that particular list.

Posting Policy

The following policy governs all postings to the SWKLS listserv.

  • You must be subscribed to the list to post to it.
  • The list is un-moderated, posted messages are distributed directly to the group.
  • Announcements of conferences, workshops, meetings, new publications, and position openings appropriate to the topic of the list are allowed.
  • Commercial advertisements are not appropriate.
  • Avoid the “ME TOO” replies where everyone hits the “reply” just to say they agrees with the message. This fills up people’s inboxes.
  • Sending file attachments is strongly discouraged to prevent the spread of viruses.
  • Personal attacks such as name-calling and personal insults will not be tolerated. Comments that are intended only to enrage the recipient rather than contribute to thoughtful discussion are prohibited. Please attempt at all times to do any disagreeing in a respectful manner.


  • Be sure to include a descriptive subject line.
  • It’s always a good idea to include your name and library in the email somehow whether it’s in the email signature or at the bottom of the email. Some lists, strip off your name when posting.


The SWKLS listserv is hosted by the Southwest Kansas Library System. Christopher Dressler, Steve Andrews, and Bernardo Gamboa are the list managers. These staff members are advised by the Director of the Southwest Kansas Library System, who has final discretion in all matters concerning the list.

The contents of the list reflect the views of the individual list members and do not necessarily represent the official views and policies of the Southwest Kansas Library System.

Subscribe to the Kansas Library Listservs

Subscribe to Auto-Graphics VERSO Listserve