Library Assistance

Services Provided by SWKLS

  • Cataloging, Interlibrary Loan and Reference Services
  • Consulting
  • General Consulting
  • Automation and Technology Consulting
  • Continuing Education and Training
  • Continuing Education Grants
  • Blind and Physically Handicapped Service
  • Library Development Standards and Accreditation Program
  • Library Development Grants

Cataloging, Interlibrary Loan and Reference Services

Cataloging is a service which enables librarians and patrons to gain easy access to books, audio/visual materials, and other information sources housed in their libraries and, through interlibrary loan, in other libraries throughout the United States and the world. The System’s trained professional staff catalog items and add holdings to OCLC. SWKLS administers the SWiftnet VERSO public library consortium catalog and supports access to OCLC’s CatExpress records for participating member public libraries. SWKLS subsidizes CatExpress according to public library service level. Individual libraries will be billed for CatExpress overages. The purpose of interlibrary loan is to make available to individual library patrons materials not owned by a given library. Since it is increasingly evident that it is impossible for any one library to be self-sufficient, interlibrary borrowing and lending is regarded by the libraries as essential to adequate library service. Requests for items not available on KICNET are sent to system headquarters to be processed on OCLC. The access and format of the information may change, with more emphasis on reference work and training of local librarians, but Interlibrary Loan will continue to be a valuable service for library users in Southwest Kansas. Regional interlibrary loan will be facilitated with the use of the SWiftnet consortium catalog. Reference services requiring professional research personnel will be provided using print, non-print and database sources. Internet reference and support is also provided.


Onsite and offsite consulting services are provided by the Southwest Kansas Library System‘s professional staff.

General Consulting includes:

  • Assistance with building and facility projects
  • Assessment and development of physical and on-line collections, including assistance with weeding
  • Assistance with fiscal management and budget preparation
  • Development of and assistance in implementing policy in the areas of personnel, collections, and operations
  • Development of Friends groups and volunteer programs
  • Development of foundations and assistance with grants and grant writing
  • Analysis of local community needs
  • Consultation in all areas of library services and programming
  • Effective trustee education
  • Professional resources
  • Assistance with E-Rate applications
  • Interpretation of Kansas Library Law
  • Assessment of ADA compliance
  • Support for Summer Library Programs and other state-wide children=s library promotions.
  • Children’s programming materials including activity packets, story props, storytime-in-a-box and flannelboard stories
  • Coordinate and provide support for summer storyteller tour.
  • Group purchasing arrangements made by the System.

Automation and Technology Consulting includes:

  • Assist member libraries in providing effective electronic access to information for patrons and staff
  • Provide technology review and assist with technology planning
  • Provide assistance with Web page development and maintenance
  • Assistance in specifications and bids for hardware and software
  • Assistance in achieving the System’s standards for technology in libraries and the SWKLS Library Development Accreditation Program
  • Implementation of local area networks and wide area networks
  • Diagnosis and resolution of hardware and software problems
  • Advocacy in establishing reliable and affordable local Internet access
  • Regular assessment of need for software and hardware upgrades
  • Referral of problems beyond the consultant’s expertise
  • Training of library personnel on use of software installed
  • Consultation on installation and development of local Web servers
  • Development of services and programs via the World Wide Web based on local community needs
  • Research current and future technologies
  • Administer SWKLS listservs

Continuing Education and Training

Workshops and training are provided by the Southwest Kansas Library System encompassing all areas of library and information management in conjunction with the State-wide certification programs for library staff and trustees. Programs, full-day workshops, online sessions and on-site visits are conducted by system personnel and visiting presenters throughout the year.

Continuing Education Grants

Continuing Education Grants are available to eligible member public libraries for attendance at state-wide and regional events. Major C.E. Grant applications up to $700 are accepted during three granting periods each year. Libraries may apply for one Major C.E. Grant per year. C.E. Express Grants are for mileage to and from Continuing Education workshops within the Southwest Kansas Library System. Complete grant information and application forms are available HERE.

Blind and Physically Handicapped Service

Talking books is a reading service provided to visually and physically handicapped patrons of all ages by the Library of Congress and the National Library Service.  Southwest Kansas Library System and the Northwest Kansas Library System collaborate to provide this service to patrons in western Kansas.  People who, because of permanent or temporary visual or physical disabilities, cannot read conventional books are eligible for this service at no personal expense.  Information about this service is provided to librarians, health care professionals and nursing home administrators across the region.  Initial set-up visits and consulting visits to care facilities and individuals using the service can be arranged by calling the system

For more information call 1-800-657-2533.

Accreditation and Development Program

The Library Development Accreditation Program is intended to encourage and recognize attainment of the standards for public library service in the Southwest Kansas Library System. All fully participating public libraries are invited to participate in the accreditation program. Accreditation will be one of the requirements for eligibility for a Library Development Grant.

Library Development Grants

The Library Development Grant encourages public libraries to achieve service level standards by providing financial assistance to public libraries in counties that levy the System tax. The Library Development Grants are associated with the SWKLS Library Development Standards and Accreditation program.