Professional Collection Checkout Procedures
- The Southwest Kansas Library System (SWKLS) curates a collection of materials to meet librarians’ continuing education needs. The selection of any title does not constitute endorsement of its contents.
- Professional Collection Loan Period: 30 days.
- Checkout Requirements: Must be a library that utilizes the KLE courier service.
- Extensions: Extensions are not guaranteed and are subject to demand. In the event an extension is granted, it will be for an additional 30-day period.
- Care Requirements: Please follow the Responsibilities of the Requesting Library as outlined in the Interlibrary Loan Code for the United States when borrowing from the professional collection.
- Procedure for Requesting: Our collection is available via ILL to any KLE library. To access available titles within the collection, use this phrase as a subject search in SHAREit: “SWKLS Professional Collection.”
Questions and/or suggestions for additional titles can be directed to:
Sara Wilson
Collection Specialist