Weekly Wrap-U.P.! March 31, 2023

System Spotlight

By Christopher Dressler

Morton Co. Public Library

The technology guru’s from the system office traveled to Morton Co. Public Library to configure and test VR headsets for the community of Elkhart on Tuesday. Patrons will be able to ride a roller coaster and play the popular game Beat Saber. Chris also demonstrated the drawing robot Artie to staff.

New Carpet @ Greeley Co. Library

By Rhonna Schmidt

The Greeley County Library has gone through a transformation. We have been excited to have received multiple grants that helped us to update the library’s lighting, replace old carpet, and purchase mobile book units. We started this project on January 20th and finished on March 24th . We want to thank the IT staff at SWKLS for all their wonderful assistance and willingness to come to Tribune on multiple
occasions. We couldn’t have done this without your help. Thanks guys.

Future Dates & Training Opportunities

April 4, 2023, 2:00 pm – Train UP “Windows 11 Intro”- Registration Link/Zoom Link

April 11, 2023, 7:00 pm – “Words for War” at the Kinsley Public Library

April 21, 2023, 10:00 am – SWKLS Hybrid Board Meeting at Dodge City Public Library

May 5, 2023, 10:00 am – #TrendyLibrarian – Registration Link


By Richard Brookman

“Words for War” Poetry Reading at Kinsley Public Library

On Tuesday, April 11, at 7:00 pm, Joan Weaver and the Kinsley Public Library has scheduled an very topical event “Words for War: New Poems from Ukraine”. April is National Poetry Month and the program Joan has developed gives voice to the people of Ukraine.

The library is inviting anyone that would like to attend for a reading of poems that have come from Ukraine since the invasion of Russia. The program will be led by Dr. Galen Boehme and the poetry read by the Kinsley community.

Lyuba Curtis will be joining the discussion for a personable viewpoint having grown up in Kremenchuk, in central Ukraine and lived most of her life in Kiev, Ukraine’s Capital. She know lives in Kinsley with her husband, the City Manager for Kinsley.

If you would like more details you can contact Joan at the library at 620-659-3341 or director@kinsleylibrary.info.

You are welcome to share this flyer and information with your community.

April Train UP: Windows 11 Intro

April’s Train UP will be on April 4, beginning at 2:00 pm. The Train UP is being conducted by our Tech Department this month. An Intro to Windows 11 is the topic to get everyone started thinking about the upgrade to come for your library’s computers.

If you are interested please follow this link to register and to attend the meeting you will use this Zoom link.

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL

By Sara Wilson

Collection Development Inspiration

Adult Fiction

Children’s & YA Fiction

New Resources for You!


This new bilingual StoryWalk® is now available!

Materials Replacement Fund

If a book that you borrow is lost or not returned by your patron, you are eligible to apply for the Materials Replacement Fund through SEKLS. 

The materials replacement fund does not cover bulk loans and there is a minimum claim of $5. Libraries using the Materials Replacement Fund can do so up to 8 times per calendar year. If you think your library will need to use it more than that, you’ll need to carefully consider which lost items are worth submitting a claim for vs. reimbursing the lender directly.

Here is the process for submitting an application for materials replacement, from the SEKLS website:

1. Contact the lending library to let them know you’re trying to retrieve the lost item. Be sure to keep the lending library informed throughout the process. As you try to recover the missing item, follow the steps outlined on the claims form. Give it your best shot. Most of the time, these steps will work.

2. Use your library’s policy to determine when the item is considered lost. If your efforts to retrieve the item are unsuccessful and you have written off the item as lost, submit the claim form. Please wait at least two months beyond the due date before filing a claim, but claims must be filed within one year of the due date.
3. Since the MRF reimburses the replacement cost, some verification (such as an invoice from the lender, a printout from Amazon.com, or other evidence of the item’s replacement cost) must be submitted along with the completed form.
4. If the item was returned by Kansas Library Express, contact Caroline Handwork at courier@nekls.org. If the material was sent or returned via a delivery method with a tracking mechanism (such as UPS, FedEx, or the COKAMO courier), please submit a tracking request and apply for reimbursement through that service before turning to the MRF.

Remember, before submitting a claim, do your best to get the item back. And to sustain your library’s good standing as a responsible ILL participant, keep the lender informed throughout the process.

In Case You Missed It

For ILLers: Sharing About SHAREit & New Courier Shipping Labels

From Deborah Hensler, SHAREit Product Manager:

Hello, SHAREit Users

The next Sharing about SHAREit Q&A is scheduled for Wednesday April 19, 2023 at 1pm.

The topic for April’s webinar is ILL Statistics.

Registration is open at: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/3028270957240247809

As usual, there’s space on the registration form to ask questions in advance, and we try to answer as many as possible that are asked during the session.

From Caroline Handwork:

Olathe Public Library/KS122 has new courier shipping labels with a new address.  The correct shipping labels for Olathe Public Library/KS122 moving forward will have the following address:


Olathe Public Library

260 E Santa Fe

Olathe, KS 66061

Please pull and discard any old labels you might have for them.  Please download the new set of courier shipping labels found here, https://kslibexpress.mykansaslibrary.org/shipping-labels/


by Christopher Dressler

How to recognize a phishing email

Lets Not Go Phishing

Phishing is a technique (through email) that cybercriminals use to gain access to personal, private, or sensitive information like bank accounts, credit cards, browser histories, or a total remote takeover of your computer. This includes access to your social media accounts and may even create mirror/copies of them. The goal is to identify a phishing email before you fall victim to the crime. Most of these cybercriminals go unpunished for these crimes.

7 Signs of a Phishing Email

  1. Generic Greeting – “Dear Sir/Maam”, “Dear, (your email address)”
  2. From an unofficial(fake) email address
  3. A request for information like a personal information or simply a reply to the email.
  4. Buttons to click
  5. Attachments. Usually malware.
  6. Links to other websites.
  7. Spelling and grammar mistakes.

For one example in the images to the left, the email account it was sent from (noreply@coin…) and the actual address (bakarjadejumoxdrew@…) which do not match and therefore is not trustworthy. Based off of that bit of information (let alone the generics, the attachment with a strange name, and the poor grammar) I would delete this email immediately.

As always, if you have specific needs for a video or an in-person training, please feel free to reach out via phone or email.

Weekly Wrap-U.P.! January 6, 2023

Member Spotlight

by SWKLS Staff

Plains Community Library STEAMs Up Programming & Makes Friends

From Sara Munn, Plains Community Library Director:

On December 15th, the library hosted an AR party for the 5th grade to close out the school year before starting the break.  This week, we received a public thank you from the school recognizing the library and its importance to the community as well as the newest items we have to offer.  The library has been working hard to gain community sponsors to add STEAM kits to the library.  This is going alongside my new goal of doing outreach with the school. All activities are STEAM-based.  We now offer 5 different ready-to-go STEAM kits along with 3D printing pens.  On the 15th, this was the first rollout of the 3D pens in the hands of students.  It was a huge success and very popular.  Starting in February, I will be doing regular lessons with the 5th grade using the different STEAM kits.  Third and fourth grade will follow.  We are so excited to offer these new kits and we will be using them this summer too for our Peace, Love, and Reading June program.  

The Library has relaunched a Friends Group and we are having a Friends of the Library recruitment dinner Monday, January 9th with guest speaker Amy Brucker.  Our Friends Group loves the TV show Friends so that is their theme.  The Friends of the Library motto is:  “The One Where We Promote Literacy & Inspire Community”.  We are thrilled to have a group and hope to gain even more members this month.  

Congratulations to Sara and staff!

Future Dates & Training Opportunities

January 10, 2023 – Train U.P. “Retention Schedule Pt 1/Registration Link & Zoom Link

January 13, 2023 – 1 pm – State Library Survey Workday at Meade Public Library/Registration Link

January 20, 2023 at 10:00 am – Online System Board Meeting/Registration Link & Zoom Link

January 23, 2023 at 10 am – State Library Survey Workday at System Office/Registration Link

January 27, 2023 at 10 am – State Library Survey Workday at Scott County Library/Registration Link


By Richard Brookman

Image provide by fulopszokemariann through Pixabay.com

January Train UP: Library Retention Schedules

The monthly Train UP for January is next Tuesday at 2:00 pm. The topic will be a walkthrough of the Library Retention Schedule created by Chris Rippel, former consultant of the CKLS. You can still register through it using this link and this is the Zoom link we will be using that day.

Image provide by kzd through Pixabay.com

January System Board Meeting

The January SWKLS Board Meeting is an Online Meeting scheduled for Friday, January 20, 2023. We will begin at 10:00 am.

To register for the board meeting you may do so through this registration link and the Zoom Link is available here.

Image provide by stevepb through Pixabay.com

2023 IRS Mileage Rate

The IRS has distributed the new mileage rate for 2023.  The rate has gone up to 65.5 cents per mile for business travel.  If you need a copy of the release for your library board or files you can access it through this link.

Image provided by Edar through Pixabay.com

2022 State Library Survey Now Open & Workdays

The State Library Survey is now live and you can start entering data.  The Survey is due by February 5, 2023.  If you need an extension Ray, the State Librarian, informed the System directors that libraries will need to go through the System office. The System office will contact the State Library to inform them that a library needs more time and the reason why.

I also visited with Alice, LSTA & State Data Coordinator, about any new questions that have been added to the survey.  She mentioned that there have only been a few minor changes to the survey.

First is Programming, section 11.20

 – Number of views of recorded program content.  They have extended the data collection from 7 days to 30 days of viewership.

Second is State Aid, section 12.4

 – Indicate the amount of State Aid your library requests for state fiscal year 2025 (next budget cycle).  This question is new.  The State Library wants directors, within reason, to provide an amount if they could request it that they would like to receive in State Aid funds.  There is no guarantee that the library will receive this amount.  This is just information gathering at this point in time.

Alice did not mention that they would be conducting a webinar this year.  If they announce one I will forward the information to you.

The System Office is currently reviewing directions on how to retrieve data from Verso and gathering the website & wifi statistics to place on the Wiki.  Update will be available next week at the latest.

The System Office has scheduled 3 workdays for the 2022 State Library Survey.  If you would like a quiet place to do your data entry you can join me:

January 13, 1 pm – 5 pm, at Meade Public Library in Meade/Registration Link;

January 23, 10 am – 3 pm, at SWKLS Office in Dodge City/Registration Link; or

January 27, 10 am – 3 pm, at Scott County Library in Scott City/Registration Link.

I am also available for one-on-one sessions with any of you.  You can email me or call the office and we will schedule a date and time for me to come to your library.  

Our first year directors, I will be calling this week to set up dates and times, but the assistance is not limited to them.

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL

By Sara Wilson

Collection Development Inspiration

Adult Fiction

Children’s & YA Fiction

In literary news, this week . . .

Royal Rumble! Prince Harry Tells All

Prince Harry, son of King Charles and the late Princess Diana, has written an explosive autobiography that those who follow the royal family will not want to miss! He pulls no punches in exposing his family’s drama and addresses such issues as that infamous Nazi outfit he wore to a party in his 20s, the question of his paternity, and of course, all the details of what life has been like growing up as a “spare.” Harry’s new book, The Spare, will be released January 10th.

We are planning a workshop for the spring and we’re so excited for you to see what we have in store! We’ve revamped and renamed what was formerly Crafting Your Collection. We’re going to announce the new name in next week’s Wrap-Up, so be sure to come back to your weekly newsletter for more details!

Verso Users, In Case You Missed It:

From Auto-Graphics Product Manager Rae Schneider:


Registration is now open for the January Talks with Ted Question and Answer webinar, to be held on Tuesday, January 10, 2022, at 11:00am Eastern (10:00am Central, 9:00am Mountain, 8:00am Pacific).

Use the URL below to register:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Send us your questions!  These webinars are more successful when you – our customers – send us your questions and concerns in advance.  Please send your questions using the following URL:   https://forms.office.com/r/6P4NyW3hNN



ILLers, In Case You Missed It:

Please register for Sharing about SHAREit #12 on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET:


In this Q&A we’ll answer more questions on managing ILL requests and other SHAREit questions. Please enter your question(s) on the registration form.

After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.


By: Christopher Dressler

A New Addition

Chris is a graduate of Kansas Wesleyan University where he earned a B.S. in Computer Science. A noteworthy leader and team player with 20 years’ experience in IT and over 12 years’ experience at the Dodge City Public Library. In his free time, you will find him tinkering with a HAM radio, watching movies, playing with RC airplanes and trucks, and occasionally playing the saxophone in the community band.
– cdressler@swkls.org

Weekly Wrap-U.P.! May 28, 2021

Future Dates & Training Opportunities

All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).

May 31, 2021 – System Office Closed for Memorial Day

June 4, 2021 at 9:00 am – First Friday with Friends/Zoom Link

June 8, 2021 at 8:00 PST – Talks with Ted/Registration Link & Submit Questions Link

June 10, 2021 at 1:30 pm – After-Lunch Course “Customer Service” with Pat Wagner/ Registration Link

June 18, 2021 at 10:00 am – Online only Full Board Meeting/Registration Link

September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch

September 24 at Gray County Fairgrounds – Tech Day+ 2021


Full System Board Meeting

The next Full System Board Meeting is fast approaching. The meeting will be held June 18 at 10:00 am. This meeting will be an online only meeting. Registration is open and the link is above in the calendar section.

Senate Bill 13 and House Bill 2104 Update

After setting in on the Kansas Department of Administration Municipal Services Budget Workshop, it is clear that several people still have questions about the new budget process for governmental entities. The main thing they emphasized is for department heads (which includes librarians) to get to know your county clerk and/or city clerk so you can work within the time frame and valuations they need you to work within.

The SB 13 and HB 2104 is in effect for the 2022 budget cycle and your county and/or city may have to have a Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR) Hearing this year between the dates of August 20 – September 20 depending on if they exceed the RNR.

The System Office is working on getting a workshop for our members through Kennedy, McKee & Co to explain the nuances of these two bills.

First Friday with Friends

June 4 is the “First Friday with Friends” session. It will begin at 9:00 am and last approximately an hour. During this session the discussion topic is “Making Memberships Meaningful”. The Zoom link is above in the Calendar Section and if you were unable to attend May’s session the recorded link is here: “May’s First Friday with Friends”

Talks With Ted through AutoGrahpics

The next “Talks with Ted” is on June 8 at 10:00 am CT. This is where you can ask Ted questions directly or you can send in your questions ahead of time on the System’s Verso ILS. The registration link and submit questions link are above in the Calendar Section.


Convert PDF in JPEG

More information and instruction Click here for the SWKLS Wiki

Follow along with our SWKLS Technology Trainer Jody, as she shows you how to convert a pdf file into a jpg image in this easy to follow tutorial video using a free online tool named Photopea.

Technology Plans

We have begun receiving and reviewing technology plans for the 2022-2023 cycle. Please remember that technology plans are now tied to the accreditation cycle and no longer on a three year cycle. You would submit your plan this year and it will be valid for Jan 1st 2022 to Dec 31st 2023. For more information on technology planning, please visit our wiki page here: https://wiki.swkls.org/index.php/Category:Technology_Planning

System Spotlight

System Spotlight

If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org

Princess America Kansas Teen

Yazmin Carrasco is the pageant winner for the 2021 Princess America Kansas Teen. She is from Liberal the “Land of Oz”. She would really love to be a part of any upcoming events you might have in your library as her platform is Read across America! If interested please contact her on her Facebook page “Princess America Kansas Teen 2021”.

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL

Recent Scoping Problem in

For the past 10 days, scoping in VERSO has been broken. Libraries are seeing search results for all SWifnet libraries, instead of just to their own. AG is aware of this problem and is working hard to fix it ASAP. I will send an email to everyone when the issue has been fixed. Thank you for your patience!

Tails and Tales Swag

Modern Marketing is a resource for customizable summer reading swag, such as bookmarks, totes, stickers, tattoos, posters, etc. Clink this link — Categories — Libraries. In the search bar at the top, type “tails and tales” then enter. A list of available items will appear. Or, you can call Representative Bonnie King (866) 992-5400. She may be able to offer you discounted pricing.

Spring U.P.! with the SWKLS Unity Project

Recently, the SWKLS Staff sent care-packages to all of our members. Inside the package were bookmarks and seed packets–gifts for your staff. Plant those seed packets, take pictures of the seedlings, and submit to SWKLS Staff. At Tech Day+ on September 24th, we will award prizes to the libraries with the best growth. Cultivate those seed packets, take pictures with your staff, and win a prize!

If your library did not receive enough bookmarks, or you would like a few more, please let us know.

StoryWalks® in Kiowa County

As you may have heard, Kiowa County StoryWalks® received attention from KSN news on May 5th. / Link to video clip. Kelly met with Kiowa County Library Director, Kelly Askew, on May 26th. They visited all three StoryWalks® in the county: Mullinville, Haviland, and Greensburg. After summer reading is completed, stay tuned for a future Train U.P. which will discuss this trip, StoryWalk® ideas, construction, and grant opportunities.

The StoryWalk® Project was created by Anne Ferguson of Montpelier, VT and developed in collaboration with the Kellogg-Hubbard Library. StoryWalk® is a registered service mark owned by Ms. Ferguson. / Link

Weekly Wrap-U.P.! April 23, 2021

Future Dates & Training Opportunities

All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).

April 28 – 29, 2021 – Mountain Plains Library Association Virtual Conference

April 28th at 2:00 PM – Make a splash with your VERSO splash! Training with AG’s Splash Page Master, Jessi Curley. This session will be recorded. Registration link.

April 29th at 2:00 PM – Flipgrip Training- Empower Every Voice/ Registration Link

May 13, 2021 at 10:00 am – Library Maintenance Checklist, Part 3 /Registration LinkZoom Link


2021 System Directory

The 2021 System Directory has been sent out through the courier! If you have not received one or would like an extra copy, please contact Tandy Ritchhart, at SWKLS.

2020 Regional System Report

The yearly Regional System Report has been completed and sent to Alice Smith, Kansas State Library. This report is pretty much the same as previous years. The change of System Membership will be on next year’s report.

2022 System Plan

I am awaiting confirmation from Gail Santy, Director CKLS, to whom the 2022 System Plan needs to be sent. Once that is done another benchmark for the office will have been made.

Summer Library (Reading) Program Posters

If you remember at the last Full Board meeting for the System I reported, through Millie Dearden (Scott County Library), about the wording on the Spanish Summer Library Program Posters possibly offending your patrons.

Sandy Wilkerson, Kansas Representative to the Collaborative Summer Library Program, spoke at the this week’s Youth Consultants Meeting that she reported it to CSLP. The Collaborative came back that when they did the test marketing for the posters no mention there being a possible offensive word being on the Spanish posters. The Collaborative will not be issuing new posters this late. Libraries will need to use their own discretion on if they wish to use the posters or not.

Summer Library (Reading) Program PSAs

The Collaborative Summer Library Program consortium has created two PSA videos that you can use to advertise the Summer Library Program on your website or Facebook page. The videos are below for you to watch and you can go to the Collaborative’s Youtube Channel to get the url’s.

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL

Reminder: KLE Courier Labels

This is a friendly reminder to always attach the sender’s courier label to the back of the recipient’s label. This is a best practice and avoids confusion. Thank you!

Notice about Online Forms on swkls.org

The functionality of online ILL request and original cataloging forms is currently being evaluated and improved. Soon, these forms will change a little to better serve our members.

Project Launch: Very Merry VERSO

In accordance with the SWKLS Unity Project, SWKLS U.P.!, we are working to improve how SWiftnet (SWKLS’s VERSO) functions, including searchability, location accuracy, cataloging, etc. As discussed during last Friday’s board meeting, the SWKLS Staff will work with our members to ensure SWiftnet is organized as accurately as possible. This project will take several years to complete.

To accomplish this task, we are pleased to announce our new cataloging project called Very Merry VERSO. Beginning September 1, we will begin a pilot project with a volunteer library: Haskell Township Public Library in Sublette. We are grateful to Director Sara Koehn and her staff for volunteering to be our pilot library, and we look forward to commencing Very Merry VERSO in the autumn. Thank you, Haskell!


Tech Day 2021

We are planning on having Tech Day in the fall if we are able to. Please click here to participate in the survey. Thanks for your feedback.

Technology Training

Learn how to connect with children through video and one on one interactions. Registration Link

E-Rate Status

Funding commitment decision letters (FCDLs) have been issues for all of our members for which SWKLS assists in e-rate planning & filing. The next phase will be working with ISPs where service changes have been ordered such as bandwidth increases or new circuits. Roughly 50% of our member libraries will be increasing bandwidth this cycle which will raise the average to 100Mb down and 85Mb up. These changes should be in place on or before July 1st.

2021 – 2022 Member Internet Service Types

Technology Plans

We have begun receiving and reviewing technology plans for the 2022-2023 cycle. Please remember that technology plans are now tied to the accreditation cycle and no longer on a three year cycle. You would submit your plan this year and it will be valid for Jan 1st 2022 to Dec 31st 2023. For more information on technology planning, please visit our wiki page here: https://wiki.swkls.org/index.php/Category:Technology_Planning

Weekly Wrap-U.P.! March 5, 2021

Future Dates & Training Opportunities

All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).

March 2, 2021 – The Train U.P.! (formerly the Directors Forum) Zoom! Into Super Children’s Programing at 2:00 pm, Zoom Link Here

March 5, 2021 – Reader Zone App Training for member libraries using this particular App will be at 10:00 am, Click this link: Zoom.com and enter the meeting ID:  473 615 3161

March 11, 2021 – After Lunch Course, Advocacy at 1:30 pm Registration Link

March 12, 2021 – E-Rate Basics at 2:00 pm Zoom Link

March 18, 2021 – Summer Library (Reading) Program, 9:30 am – 12:30 pm Registration Link

March 19, 2021 – Full Board Meeting Registration Link

March 26, 2021 – New Accreditation Walk-Through at 2:00 pm Zoom Link Here

March 31 at 11:00 AM – SWKLS U.P.! in LARGE PRINT: an inside look at large print subscription options from Thorndike, Center Point, Doubleday, and more. This will be a recorded Zoom training session hosted by Laurie P. (Ness City), Lori (DCPL), and Kelly (SWKLS) – Registration link coming soon!

April 28th at 2:00 PM – Make a splash with your VERSO splash! Training with AG’s Splash Page Master, Jessi Culey. Registration link coming soon.


Summer Library (Reading) Program:

The Summer Library (Reading) Program Workshop has been scheduled for March 18 from 9:30 am – 12:30 pm CT. Tammie Benham, Youth Consultant of SEKLS, will be going through the manual and exploring options for planning along the way. Registration Link for Summer Library (Reading) Program.

The main presenter will be Mindy Miller. Mindy is a Kansas native-and life-long bibliophile, Mindy Miller is a school library director and children’s programming practitioner. Mindy is a graduate of Washburn University with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Media/Public Relations. She also received a Juris Doctorate from Washburn Law School and is a former corporate lawyer. in 2014 she entered the professional library world and has tackled everything from summer library and story times to YA programming.

Member Accreditation and Walk-Through

The new form is available on the System’s website it directors would like to start working on the accreditation application. The application is due October 31, 2021 (Accreditation Main Page on the System’s website). A walk-through of the new Accreditation form for anyone that wishes to join in will be March 26, at 2:00 pm, Zoom Link Here.

Remember as part of the accreditation Member Libraries need to send in their yearly proposed line item budget, the final line item budget from the previous year, and their insurance certificate if it has been renewed recently,

After-Lunch Courses

Throughout 2021, the Kansas Regional Library Systems are offering four free continuing education workshops on Zoom, for a series we are calling “after-lunch course”. Registration announcements will be posted to Kan-Lib, and to the regional system’s website: systems.mykansaslibrary.org.

The registration Links for After-Lunch Courses

Registration for Advocacy with Jamie LaRue – March 11 at 1:30 pm CT

Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL

Weeding Update: New Leaf Pick-ups

New Leaf will be coming to several SWKLS locations in April. Below, you will find the pick-up “hubs” and the windows of time these libraries will accept your weeded items. If you need help delivering your items to these libraries, please let the SWKLS Office know ASAP.

For New Leaf’s pick-up on April 14th, these libraries will accept your weeded items:

  • DCPL: 4/5 – 4/13 @ children’s entrance, lower level. *Note: DCPL will not be able to accept your items during the last hour of the day as staff will be busy with closing procedures. Email Director Lori J. lorij@dcpl.info
  • Haskell Township: 4/5 – 4/13. Email Director Sara K. haskelllib@gmail.com
  • Ness City: 4/1 – 4/13. Email Director Laurie P. director@nesscitylibrary.org

For New Leaf’s pick-up on April 21st, these libraries will accept your weeded items:

  • Plains: 4/12 – 4/20. Email Director Sara M. smunn@plainslibrary.info
  • Ashland: Email Director Cara V. ashlib@ashlandlibrary.info

Free Books!

The SWKLS Office received a box of ARCs (advanced reader copies) from Sourcebooks. ARCs are pre-published, almost-complete versions of new books that are distributed to readers, such as professional reviewers, booksellers, and librarians; they are not to be sold or cataloged. But, any library staff member is welcome to enjoy reading them! To obtain these adult ARCs, email Tandy tritchhartswkls.org

Nonfiction – Poetry
Nonfiction – History
Fiction – Mystery
Fiction – Romance
Fiction – Romance

Continuing Education (CE) Tracker
A generic CE tracker has been created and is now available to download from our Wiki.  Any library staff member is welcome to use this document and turn it in to Richard at the end of the year. / Link



Social media can be an essential piece in your library’s communications toolkit, especially if your building is closed or has limited in-person services. It is not only a promotion tool, but also a way to entertain and engage with followers.Tiffany Breyne, Communications Coordinator at Skokie Public Library (IL), shares practical tips on how to crowd-source content from staff and followers, tools to make social posts easier to plan ahead, which platforms are less (or more) time consuming, and how to promote advisory and librarian expertise online.

 Click here for the recording