Future Dates & Training Opportunities
End of the Year To-Do-List
The end of the year is fast approaching. Here are a few things that you might need to do with your Library Board if you haven’t already done so:
1) GAAP Waiver Resolution;
2) If you do the yearly taxes for the library order W-2’s to prepare or if you have an accountant contact them to schedule in a date to do your end of year taxes and/or general audit;
3) If you have access funds that the board might want to move into the 2022 budget they will need to do this before the end of the year. If you are unsure of how this works please contact Richard and he can discuss the procedure with you;
4) Set up your calendars in Verso for 2022;
5) Set you budget line items in Quickbooks if you haven’t already done so;
6) If you or your staff need to take unused time that needs to be taken before the end of the year or you or they will lose it schedule it on your calendars; and
7) If you are going to give any type of raise that will begin in January your Library Board will need to make a motion to begin the new pay scale to begin January 1, 2022.
2022 Dates for the After Lunch Courses
Dates have been set for next year’s After Lunch Courses. Registration Links and times for the courses will be established as each course comes closer to its date of presentation. Here are the courses presenters and titles so you can mark your calendars:
March 10, 2022 – Andrew Smith presenting “Policy Writing and Review”;
June 9, 2022 – Martin Garner presenting “Intellectual Freedom”;
September 8, 2022 – Xan Goodman presenting “Cultural Humility: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion”; and
December 8, 2022 – Sharon Morris presenting “Lead From Where You Are”.
State Library Survey for 2021
Alice Smith, State Library of Kansas, informed the System directors that their will be two new questions on the 2021 State Library Survey.
One of the questions will be – how many libraries did “Grab and Go” bags and how many of the bags where distributed for said library. The other question will be over “Curbside Pickup” on how many you served with this venue.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
CatExpress Usage Report: December 2021 / Link
6×6 Kits: Your Thoughts?
Vanessa at Morton County Library is collecting information regarding circulation and patron interest in 6×6 kits. We would be grateful for your thoughts about this programming option at your library. Send your feedback to: Circulation@mocolib.info Much obliged to you!
Toby Sykes (e-rate Solutions) is getting started on the 2022-2023 e-rate applications. The SWKLS tech team will begin reviewing Internet connectivity and network hardware needs after the first of the year. Once we have a handle on what everyone needs, Steve will reach out to each library to discuss the next steps.
Google Will Auto-Enroll 150 Million Accounts into 2SV
Google has announced that they will automatically enroll 150 million Google user accounts into 2SV (two-step verification) before year’s end. See their article here: https://blog.google/technology/safety-security/making-sign-safer-and-more-convenient/
National Data Privacy Day is January 28, 2022
As the line between our offline and online lives continues to blur, Data Privacy Day on January 28 is the little nudge we need at the beginning of each new year to make safeguarding our personal information a priority. Although we live in an increasingly digital world, most of us give little thought to data privacy until after our personal data has been compromised. Our increased reliance on digital technologies to manage every facet of life necessitates the need to rethink what we share about ourselves, when and where we share it, and who we are sharing it with. Data Privacy Day is part of the global online safety, security, and privacy campaign called ‘STOP. THINK. CONNECT.’, — an initiative of the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA). For more information about events, webinars and etc go to https://staysafeonline.org/event_category/data-privacy-week/.
System Spotlight
System Spotlight
If you would like to highlight your library, we’d like to hear from you. Whether it’s about your activities, programs or anything else that is going on that you’re proud of we can hold a spotlight on your library here in the Weekly Wrap UP if you email Jody at jhattrup@swkls.org
Stevens County Library Holiday Fun
The Stevens County Library is enjoying the holiday season! We participated in the Hugoton’s lighted Santa Parade. Our float was decorated as Rudolph, complete with an inflatable Santa. Several staff family members joined us and it was SO MUCH FUN!
Can you guess which Stevens County Library staff member decorated each stocking? It’s a lot trickier than you think! Your options are Stacey – DirectorLaurie – Adult ServicesKarina – ILL/CatalogingVeronica – Patron ServicesJaxen – Student AideEmily – Student Aide
The Stevens County Gas & Historical Museum received a gem in the mail and passed it on to us! This September 1956 edition of The Kansas Library Bulletin features an article about enhancements to the original adobe Stevens County Library building. We will be brutally honest with you…the shelves, chairs, table, and slanted table featured in the article are STILL in use in the library to this day.
Santa Clause Comes to Hamilton County Library
Hamilton County Library hosted its annual Santa Clause event on December 2, from 2:00-6:30 pm. They had an excellent turnout with over 157 families and 296 children taking photos with Santa and sharing their Christmas wishes. Each kid also received a long-standing tradition “Santa Candy Bag” with fruit and old-fashioned candy, also prepared by library staff. The photo is of Director Amy Brucker’s daughter, Harper, now 3. She had no desire to be close to Santa when the time came.