Future Dates & Training Opportunities
All times are in Central Standard Time (CST).
May 25 – and May 27, 2021, at 9:00 am – Municipal Services Budget Workshop Fee Based Registration
June 10, 2021 at 10:00 am – After-Lunch Course “Customer Service” with Pat Wagner/ Registration Link
September 1 at Haskell Township Library – Very Merry VERSO Launch
September 24 at Gray County Fairgrounds – Tech Day+ 2021
Spring UP! with SWKLS’ Unity Project
Thank you all for the kind words in regards to the SWKLS Unity Project Spring UP! mailers. We know that during this Spring and Summer you will giving your communities a variety of opportunities to Spring UP! with your Summer Library Programs. During this time Workshops will not be scheduled, unless they are needed or a workday has been requested. This will allow each of you to focus on your individual programs.
When you take pictures of your Summer Library Events remember you can send them into the System Office and we can add them to our Weekly Wrap-UP!. You can email your photos to Jody and she will store them until we publish them.
Public Relations Costumes Update
We have already had 4 libraries reserve a costume during the month of July. I will be contacting these libraries, but wanted to put in an update in this Wrap-UP! as well. With the situation with worldwide shipping we are experiencing delays in manufactured goods from overseas.
This is happen with the costumes as well. Tandy checked on the costumes shipping status and three of them are in the system and one is not. Two are setting in Bejing (EMS) and one is setting in Tianjin (EMS) China. We hope to have the costumes will be in before July, but there is no guarantee.
American Rescue Plan Act – COBRA Subsidy Program
I sent out the email concerning the American Rescue Plan Act and the Subsidy for COBRA. I wanted to reiterate that you need to contact your individual library’s insurance company to see how they wish for you to move forward with this subsidy program.
Tandy and I have spoken to Blue Cross/Blue Shield and each time they instructed us to remind our members to contact your insurance representatives.
The System’s representative with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas stated that Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas will be handling any and/or all paperwork that might need to be done for their insured entities.
Kansas State Library and American Rescue Plan Act
In regards to funding for libraries and the American Rescue Plan Act. Jeff Hixon and Alice Smith, of the Kansas State Library, said discussions for how this will be handled are still being done. What they could relay is that the State Regional Systems will not be eligible for this funding. Each library will have to submit their own application for funding and any funding has to be COVID-19 related.
When everything is finalized they will send out a notice for submissions.
Webinars Provided through Kansas State Library’s Webpage
If you are looking for Continuing Education courses to take, don’t forget the Kansas State Library and the resource they provide with WebJunction. Here is the sites calendar of events link where you can register for upcoming session (WebJunction Calendar of Events). There are three different sessions you can sign up for in June.
If you can’t sign up for a session that is completely understandable. For those times you can’t attend live you can go to the sites Event Archives. On the Event Archives page you will find recorded Continuing Education sessions that you can watch (WebJunction Event Archives).
For any session you attend be sure to send Richard an email so he can update your Continuing Education File and have it counted for the accreditation year.
Cataloging, Collection Development, and ILL
Advanced Search – Resources
Recently, you may have noticed a slight change in your library’s resources list in advanced search. This is due to a error. I made changes to the SWKLS office VERSO resources, and I made a new list entitled “SWiftnet (public + CCs). However, this change was mistakenly applied globally to all of SWiftnet. Many of you noticed that your search results displayed all of SWiftnet, instead of just your library. Auto-Graphics is fixing this problem.
Additionally, for many of our members, DCPL’s and Seward County Community College’s catalogs were missing from SWiftnet. AG is working to fix this problem, as well. Thank you for your patience in these matters!
Local Author Publishes Book about Women-owned Businesses in Dodge City
Thank you to Jacque Sherrill for bringing this title to our attention. Perfect for all SWKLS libraries! A summary from Amazon.com: Have you ever thought about opening your own business? Many people have. Many people try. Many people fail. For the women whose stories are shared in this book, failure was their biggest fear starting their business, but failure was not an option. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to own a business, allow the successes of these Dodge City entrepreneurs to be your guide in understanding the heart of a thriving business. Stories of overcoming racial and gender discrimination, doubt, hardships, and heartache transform into stories of strength, determination, and leadership.
Purchase from Amazon for $11 – 9798740321134 Little City, Big Dreams by Amber Vega
Technology Plans
We have begun receiving and reviewing technology plans for the 2022-2023 cycle. Please remember that technology plans are now tied to the accreditation cycle and no longer on a three year cycle. You would submit your plan this year and it will be valid for Jan 1st 2022 to Dec 31st 2023. For more information on technology planning, please visit our wiki page here: https://wiki.swkls.org/index.php/Category:Technology_Planning